Removal: Ambiguity of Land by Patrick Durka explores human place as it relates to the land as it passes through deep geologic time. Conceptions of land as an independent object reveals itself to the organization of humans through sudden events of catastrophe. Through sculptural and poetic use of harvested geologic material, Durka explores the human-geologic object relation as asymmetrical, a relationship that is symbiotic that needs to be focused on as a partnership where one end is unforgiving. Looking at the land as a play of specific actors--actors that are these geologic events--dictating the unfolding of human organization, one can reimage the space of land. It is here where one positions themselves again in relation; the land is a fluid object that is active and alive.
This popup event is from 6-9p on Sunday, July 14th. Some light refreshments and snacks will be served.